Online marketing , key tool in developing an approach that allows for the success of your busine

Online marketing , key tool in developing an approach that allows for the success of your busine
Online marketing , key tool in developing an approach that allows for the success of your business

Sunday, 22 December 2013

How to Get Cool Graphics for Almost Nothing

One mistake a lot of people make when they are first starting out with an online business is that they view the content of their websites as being the alpha and omega of their focus - but one thing you must realize, in order to achieve success online, is that a content-rich site that has no visual appeal is unlikely to generate the sort of revenue you hope for. For this reason, it is important that you understand where you can get great graphics for your website - without having to spend a whole bunch of money to do so!

When you are looking to get unique, original graphics for your website in order to make it more inviting and visually appealing, there are three different routes you can consider taking:

1. Buy graphics from an online database

The best way to get the most out of the money you spend for web graphics is to set up a membership on a site that allows you to pay a monthly fee for unlimited use of their graphics! In this way, you will be able to pick and choose which graphics you want to use, without being stuck worrying about how much money each one is costing you!

2. Hire out for your graphics needs

Of course, hiring others to design your graphics can be expensive…but it can also be inexpensive if you know how to approach it! If your website generates a lot of traffic, a great way to get cheap graphics is to trade ad space on your site for services from a graphic designer. By simply crediting each graphic on your site to the designer in question, you will be able to send a lot of new traffic - and a lot of new customers - their way! Also, keep your eyes open for graphic designers who are just getting started; such graphic designers will need help building their portfolio, and this can allow you to get some work from them without having to pay an arm and a leg.

3. Go it alone!

If you have a basic understanding of graphic design, it can actually be quite fun for you to design your graphics on your own! By investing in a few basic tools, you will be able to bring your vision to life - exactly as you see it - time and time again.

Understand the value of graphics on your website - and learn to take advantage of graphics without spending a lot of money - and you will be surprised to find just how much of a difference this makes!

How to Team Up for Online Success

One of the best things about the Internet (besides all the avenues it opens up for increased profits and increased streams of income!) is the way in which it allows people and businesses to collaborate with one another - no matter the distance between them! And while some people feel that the best part of running an online business is the ability it gives them to "go it alone," those who feel this way are missing out on greatly expanded traffic and profits they could generate by simply teaming up with another person or business in the pursuit of online success.

If you are hoping to expand the scope of your online business (and after all, who isn't hoping to do so!), here are three things you can consider in order to help you team up with others for online success:

1. Tap into the goldmine of affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing allows you either A) to sell others' products on your own site - collecting a portion of the profits (a sort of "commission") for each sale made - or B) sell your own products on others' sites - paying out a portion of the profits (a sort of "commission") for each sale made. Affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to sell products from well-known companies and websites (which makes these sales much easier to close!), and it gives you the opportunity to gain exposure for your own products through sites that others run.

2. Create a joint venture with a fellow business or company

A joint venture allows you and another company (or other companies) to promote one another's products on each other's sites. If, for instance, you had 10,000 regular visitors on your site each month, and someone else you knew had 10,000 regular visitors on their site each month - but the two of you saw very little overlap in visitors - a joint venture would double the exposure each of you received!

3. Team up with the customers you already have: they can be your best ads of all!

Encourage your customers to spread the word about you and your business by giving them incentives for spreading the word, and by building relationships with them through your website and through such social media sites as Twitter and facebook. Your current customers can be your best advertisements of all - as long as you can figure out how to team up with them and encourage them to spread the word!

Saturday, 14 December 2013

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Headlines that Click

When you are attempting to grow the impact of your website - either because you are hoping to promote your business through your website, or because you are using your website as a means by which to make a bit of money - it will be important that you understand how to create "headlines that click." After all, having headlines that click is often the first key to getting people to your website, as they won't see your site if they're not clicking on your headlines!

Too many people create headlines with no rhyme or reason behind them - and this leaves their website full of useless headlines that generate no serious traffic. Rather than falling into this trap yourself, make sure you understand (and adhere to!) these three simple rules for having headlines that click:

1. Address a need

All humans have five basic needs - physiological needs, needs for safety and security, social needs, needs for self-esteem, and needs for self-actualization - and when you simply create headlines that target these needs, you will effectively be targeting "clicks."

2. Pack a lot into the headline, without making it confusing

A headline is not much good if it is bereft of details, but it is also not much good if it is difficult to understand. Give visitors enough information in the headline that they will know what they will find on the page - without giving them so much information that they are confused!

3. Create a "call to click"

This will be much like a call to action that you would put at the end of a sales pitch, but instead of it being a call to action at the end of a sales pitch, you will basically be making an effort to compel each visitor to check out what the headline leads into!

Learn to incorporate these elements into your headlines, and you will soon find that you are enjoying a much greater level of overall success!

Friday, 13 December 2013

Why Headlines Can Make Or Break You

A lot of people start a website with no real understanding of exactly how they should go about running this site, and with no real grasp of all the things that go into making a website a success or a failure. Many of these people have heard about the successes others have experienced online, and like someone heading out as part of a gold rush with no tools to take advantage of it once they arrive, these people set up websites and wait for the money to roll in - and are disappointed when nothing happens!

In order to avoid this fate yourself, it will be important that you understand all the little things that go into making a website a success - and when it comes to "all the little things," there is perhaps nothing bigger than knowing how to come up with good headlines.

The headline will inevitably be the first thing a visitor to your websites sees and reads, and because of the fact that so many people simply "browse" the Internet - bouncing from site to site until something catches their eye and forces them to stick around for a bit - you will need this first impression to make an impact. Otherwise, you will risk people clicking right through your site without leaving you with anything of value.

In order to capitalize on the headlines on your site - turning them into something that will increase the number of visitors who stay on your site, rather than something that allows them to leave right away - you will want to get in the habit of asking yourself these three questions with every headline you create:

Is the headline catchy? - Make sure each headline causes the visitor to pause and read it, rather than allowing them to skim over it and move on.

Does the headline address a need? - People are drawn to things that address their needs, so take the time to understand the needs all humans have, and create headlines that hit these targets.

Does the headline indicate what is on the webpage? - Some people get in the bad habit of creating catchy headlines that do not actually match up with the content of the webpage; if you want to keep people on your page, you will need the headline to lead into the content, rather than leading into something the visitor is not expecting at all!

With an understanding of the importance of headlines - and with these tips for taking advantage of headlines yourself - you will be in great shape to avoid headlines that chase visitors away, and to instead use your headlines to increase the success of your site!

Headlines That Actually Work

In order for you to achieve success with your website - regardless of whether you are using it in order to promote your business, or are using it as a form of business in its own right - you will need to understand how to grab people with the headlines on your page. After all, people are unlikely to spend any significant amount of time on your page if your headlines are dull and unappealing - but as simple as this sounds in theory, actually figuring out how to come up with headlines that work can be a bit more difficult.

There are certainly no "rules" for coming up with headlines that actually work - but there are a few guidelines you can follow. And if you follow these guidelines, you will discover that you are experiencing a much greater level of success with the headlines you create.

Firstly, you need to understand that you must appeal to the needs of someone in order for your headline to appeal to them. This can sound broad and vague initially, but it becomes a lot clearer when you realize that there are five primary needs that humans have:

Physiological: Physiological needs include basic human needs such as food and shelter.

Safety: This includes safety and security in an emotional, physical, and financial sense.

Social: Humans have a need for love, affection, companionship, and acceptance.

Esteem: Humans also need to experience and enjoy achievement, recognition, attention, and respect.

Self-actualization: Humans have a need to feel as though they are reaching their full potential.

Once you recognize that humans are more likely to pay attention to a headline if it appears to address an innate need, you will be one giant step closer to creating headlines that actually work. And the second step is just as simple:

You need to understand how to word your headlines!

There are five categories in which you should attempt to make your headlines fall:

1. How To

An example of a "how to" would be: "How to Double Your Profits in Six Months Using Three Simple Steps"

2. Question

An example of a question would be: "Don't You Wish There Were a Way to Make Money From Your Couch?"

3. Testimonial

An example of a testimonial would be: "By Using These SEO Tips, We Have Quadrupled Our Web Traffic!"

4. News

An example of news would be: "Announcing a Great New Way to Tackle Email Marketing"

5. Command

An example of a command would be: "Make Money From Home - Guaranteed!"

When you make sure your headline addresses one (or more!) of the five human needs while also being worded correctly - using one of these five categories - you will quickly see results from the headlines you create.

Leads - Why They Matter

When you are trying to expand your business, it will be important that you search for every means possible by which to do so. Of course, the best way of all to expand your business these days - with the advancements in technology, and the changes in the ways people shop - is probably to focus on search engine optimization, through which you can raise your search engine ranking and increase the number or prospective buyers who click on your page. But a close second behind search engine optimization - when you are looking for ways to expand your business - is an option that has been around for years and years: leads.

To put it in its simplest form, leads provide your business with the contact information of those who have already expressed an interest in the service you provide or the product you sell.

But because leads put businesses in a position where they need to contact people with whom they have no prior relationship, they often put business owners in mind of "cold calls" - which can be an uncomfortable (and often unsuccessful) way by which to approach people - but actually, contacting leads is a lot more comfortable than contacting people through cold calls, and is also a lot more valuable!

When you cold call people, you will often spend plenty of time calling and emailing people who actually have no interest in the service you provide or the product you are trying to sell them. On the other hand, however, leads give you the information of people who have already expressed an interest in the needs you will be able to fulfill - which gives you a head start down the road toward a sale!

The best way to look at leads is to view it as a form of advertising. Just as you might pay for a billboard or a radio spot in an effort to reach out to those who might have an interest in your business, you can pay for leads as a way by which to have the contact information of people who will be interested in your business. And rather than getting the attention of potential customers in a broad and general sense - as you would through conventional advertising - leads allow you to contact prospective customers directly, building a relationship with them and building to a sale in a personal and personable manner!

Too many businesses make the mistake of wondering whether leads will be a useful way to expand their business; instead of making this mistake alongside all your competitors, realize that leads are valuable, and take the time to figure out how you can use them to your advantage!

Leads - What Are They?

The greatest goal of your business will be continual growth; after all, your business will typically be moving in one of two directions: forward or backward. And of course, it will be important that you learn to do everything you can in order to put your business on the positive side - so that you are always moving forward - rather than putting yourself in a place where your business is regressing.

When it comes to attracting new customers to your business, there are four primary approaches you can take:

1. Use search engine optimization to show up in Internet searches

2. Use leads to target prospective buyers

3. Cold call people and cross your fingers

4. Keep moving forward blindly and simply hope for the best

Of course, there are benefits to each approach - but there are a lot more benefits to the first two approaches (the proactive approaches) than there are to the second two approaches!

Many people think of "cold calling" - which is those times when you contact random people with a sales pitch and hope against hope that someone bites - as the only way to use the telephone or email in an effort to make sales. But actually, when you take advantage of leads, you will be able to call and email people who have already shown an interest in the product or service you are selling!

To put it quite simply, "leads" are the detailed information of people who have already shown an interest in the product or service you provide. They may have displayed this interest through an online form, through something they filled out at the mall, or through information they provided to a business (and gave them permission to share!). But regardless of where a particular lead came from, the bottom line is the same: a lead sends you to someone who has conveyed an overt interest in the product you sell or the service you provide.

If you have ever thought that "cold calling" is the only way to expand your business, think again! Learn how to use leads to your advantage, and you will be able to experience greater growth than you imagined possible.

What Is An Affiliate Anyway?

As you look for ways by which you can make a living online, you are likely to come across websites that discuss "affiliate marketing." A bit of digging will reveal to you that "affiliate marketing" entails linking to products from your website, and receiving a portion of the money people spend as a result of the links you provided. For a more thorough understanding of what the heck an affiliate is, however, you must understand why you - as an affiliate - are valuable to companies that have affiliate programs.

A lot of people take to the Internet without a clear intention of purchasing a product. Instead - because of the fact that the Internet is such a valuable research tool - they go online in order to determine whether or not they actually want to purchase a particular product, after which they will extend their research to determine which specific product they feel they should purchase. If we use Amazon (which runs one of the most popular affiliate programs) as an example, it makes it much easier to understand why an affiliate is a valuable asset to a large company.

If someone is trying to decide whether or not they want to purchase a Bowflex home gym, for instance, they are unlikely to visit Amazon in order to pursue their research! Instead, they will probably take to Google and search something such as "Benefits of a Bowflex home gym." From this search, they will travel to various websites on which they can learn about the benefits of a Bowflex home gym. But of course, they will probably not be ready to make a purchase quite yet.

The next step this person will probably take is to Google something such as "drawbacks of a Bowflex home gym," or "Bowflex home gym negatives."

In this example, we will assume that the "researcher" has decided to become a "buyer" - but before they can make a purchase, they still need to gather a bit more information.

Rather than going straight to Amazon to purchase a Bowflex home gym, most people are likely to instead Google something such as "best prices on Bowflex home gym." If you have an affiliate site set up that targets these keywords, you can place your page near the top of this Google search - which will bring people to your website! On your website, you can detail why Amazon is the best place from which to purchase a Bowflex home gym, provide an affiliate link, and - boom! The person who visited your site in order to discover the best place to buy a Bowflex home gym will now be on the Amazon Bowflex home gym page, ready to make a purchase.

Because affiliates are able to filter buyers to websites in an "apparently unbiased" manner, these buyers are less likely to feel like they are being "sold" something, which makes them more likely to make a purchase. And because of your work as an affiliate, the person in this example will be making a purchase through Amazon - rather than through the Bowflex site, or through eBay, or through a brick and mortar store. And this is why Amazon is willing to give you a percentage of the sale - and is also why affiliates are valuable assets to companies!

As an affiliate, you are basically a salesman or saleswoman for the website in question - working off commission. The better you do as a salesperson, the more sales that website will make - and the more sales that website makes, the more money you will make as a result!

Affiliate Marketing In A Nutshell

As you pursue research in an effort to understand search engine optimization and Internet business more fully, one thing you may be left wondering is whether it is actually possible to make money online, or whether (as many people assume!) every "make money online" approach is nothing more than a scam.

The simple answer is as follows:

There are certainly "make money online" approaches that are nothing more than scams, but there are also plenty of legitimate - and lucrative - ways to make money online!

And outside of setting up a website that is specifically designed to promote your business, the best way to set up a website - and make it generate money for you - is to become an affiliate.

Affiliate marketing entails using your website to promote products from external websites - from whom you receive a percentage of the sale, each time a sale is made as a result of your website.

The best way to completely understand affiliate marketing is to look at an example:

One of the most popular affiliate websites is Amazon (its popularity as an affiliate site being due largely to the fact that it is such a popular site in general!). When you set up an affiliate account with Amazon, you can use your website to detail certain products, and as you detail a particular product, you can also link to it (using an affiliate link) directly. If anyone who visits your site clicks on this link and subsequently buys anything at all on Amazon, you will make 4% of whatever the person pays. This affiliate payout quickly escalates to 6%, and you will generate this money at all times of the day - regardless of whether you are at your computer or not - just by virtue of providing the link and sending people to Amazon through your site!

While Amazon is on the low end of payout percentage, it is also a website people recognize - and probably already have a buyer account on - which will make it likelier that they will pull the trigger on a purchase. However, there are websites on which you can make as much as 10% or 15% of each sale you create - and all you have to do is link to their products on your page!

Of course, there is more to making money as an affiliate than simply setting up a page and waiting for people to click on your links. After all, you need to get people to your page in the first place - which will require a thorough understanding of search engine optimization. But once you have a handful of affiliate accounts set up and an understanding of search engine optimization in hand, you will be ready to start building your website - and effortlessly making money on the Internet!

Meta Tags - How They Can Help You Win Online

It used to be that people saw "meta tags" and thought of the meta keyword tags you could insert as part of any page or post on your website, but because of the vast number of people who abused these meta keyword tags (adding scores of keywords that truly had nothing to do with their post or their page in the first place, just to boost search engine rankings!), most search engines (Google included) no longer pay attention to meta keyword tags. And as more and more people make an effort to learn about search engine optimization, they often discover that meta keyword tags are no longer valuable, and they imagine that this means meta tags in general are not valuable. Because of this confusion - and the fact that it causes so many people to neglect meta tags completely - understanding how to use meta tags to your advantage will give you a big head start on your competitors.

While meta keyword tags are no longer a useful part of search engine optimization, meta tags (or "meta title tags" - also known as "title tags" - and "meta description tags") are still hugely beneficial.

Starting with the one more people know about and understand…

Title tags: Title tags are the titles that go at the top of any webpage or blog post on your site. The keywords you use in these title tags are not only used by search engines to determine how relevant your page is to a particular search, but are also a big part of getting people to click on your link. Use your title tag to incorporate keywords and to also induce clicks, and you will experience a much greater level of success with your website.

Meta description tags: While people will see your title tag when they visit your page (as it will be the title of the page itself), they will not see your meta description tag on your page. Instead, the meta description tag is the description you create for the search itself. Search engines will use this description to determine how valuable your page will be for a particular search, and will also display this description when your page shows up in a search.

When you use title tags that will draw the eye, and supplement these with meta description tags that tell the person what they will find on your page (more importantly, that tell the person they are about to find exactly what they are looking for!), you will find yourself ranking much higher on search engine searches - and what's more, you will find that a lot more of the people who are seeing your site on search engines are actually clicking on the link and spending time on your site!

Take the time to understand how to use meta description tags to your advantage, and you will be far ahead of your competition in no time at all.

How and When to Cash in With Title Tags

Title tags
are one of the most important elements of search engine optimization - and when it comes to getting visitors to your site, understanding title tags is perhaps the most important thing of all! After all, the top result in a search might get a lot of clicks simply by virtue of its position on the page, but what about the other links that end up on the front page of a search? If you have gotten your page on the front page of a Google search, for instance, how do you ensure the person who conducted the search actually clicks on your link?

For those wondering how to finish off your search engine optimization, it is important to realize that title tags are the proverbial "closer"!

In order to cash in with title tags, there are three specific things you will want to make sure you are doing.

1. Get a click on that link!

You can do all the keyword optimization possible, collect all the backlinks you can, and craft a title tag that gets you on the front page of searches, but if your title does not grab the eye, it will not give you many new visitors! Make sure your title tag not only includes the keywords that will bump up its placement in searches, but that it also is compelling and "clickable." For instance, you can use your title tags to mention an award you or your business has won, or you can even use your title tags for promotions - mentioning that new customers get a free consultation, or get a certain percentage off on their first purchase. This is sure to get you a lot more clicks than if you simply listed a basic description of your business in the title tag.

2. Keep that visitor on your page

After you have gotten that "click," you also need to keep the visitor on the page! A lot of people tend to fill up a page with garbled ramblings before they get to the meat of what they are wanting to say. When you do this, however, you will risk visitors simply clicking the "back" button on their browser and checking to see what the other search results have to offer. Whatever you are using your title tag to target, make sure you are also using your content to emphasize. Know that people are clicking on the link for a certain reason, and you will need to fulfill their expectations in order to keep them around.

3. Create a call to action

When someone visits your page because your title tag caught their eye, and they stayed on your page because you gave them what they were expecting to find, you will be wasting a golden opportunity if you fail to create a call to action by the end of their time on your page. In order to experience monetary success on your website, you need to understand the value of "closing sales." Just as you would do if you were a salesman or saleswoman working in traditional sales, you should use your time with this visitor (as they progress through the webpage) to build toward a sale. And by the time they reach the end of the front page of your website, or the end of the page they are visiting, or the end of a blog post, you should have them in a place where they are ready to bite!

Keep these three tips in mind as you pursue search engine optimization and work to expertly craft your title tags - and soon you will see results pouring in and validating all the work you've been doing!

Why Title Tags are Essential

When you are running a website, the most important thing - in order for you to experience success - will be that you figure out ways to increase your traffic (after all, a website is not much good to you if no one is visiting!), and the best way to make sure you are boosting your traffic is by making sure you are doing everything you can to improve your search engine ranking.

Most people are aware of the fact that search engines pay attention to keywords and backlinks in assessing and deciding where different webpages will rank, but one area many people neglect, in their efforts to optimize their search engine ranking, is title tags. This is a big mistake, as title tags are far more important than most people realize!

On every website, there will be a place where you can input a title. And when search engines collect information on various websites, the titles of these websites will give directions to these search engines in their quest to determine how relevant a website is.

For instance, imagine that you own a plumbing company named "A-Okay Plumbing," located in Des Moines, Iowa. If the title tag on your website includes only "A-Okay Plumbing," you are likely to only show up in very specific searches. On the other hand, if you put something in your title tag such as, "A-Okay Plumbing: Serving Des Moines and the surrounding areas with fast and well-priced plumbing!" you will rank highly in searches for any of the following:

Plumbing Des Moines

Plumbing Des Moines and surrounding areas

Fast plumbing Des Moines

Well-priced plumbing Des Moines

Fast and well-priced Des Moines plumbers

And so on! By simply including these additional, descriptive words in your title tag - targeting keywords for which you would want your service to show up in searches - you will greatly increase your online visibility (which, of course, will increase your traffic, and will increase your business as a whole!).

Furthermore, you can include a title tag on each separate page you set up for your website (which is especially valuable if you are running a blog!). As you set up each page - or even as you write each new blog post on your site - be aware of the keywords that comprise your title. The more strategic you are with these title tags, the more success your website will enjoy - and the more monetary success you will experience as a result!

How to Set a PPC Budget

A PPC ad campaign can be a huge boon to the success of your business - but when it comes to PPC, one thing that tends to give a lot of people fits is trying to figure out exactly how much they should be willing to pay per click.

When you set up a PPC campaign, you will determine your own per-click bid, and this is the price you will pay per click - regardless of whether you make a sale as a result of that click or not. With a higher bid, your ad is more likely to be shown more often - being given precedence over ads with lower bids. But if you make your bid too high, you may end up losing money in the long run, as the profits you make as a result of the ad campaign may not match up with the cost of the ad campaign itself!

In order to properly set your PPC budget, there are three things you will need to know.

1. How much money do you make per sale?

If you sell only one product or service on your website - with one price across the board - this will be an easy answer to find. If, on the other hand, you sell various products or provide various services - all of which are listed at various prices - you will want to determine what your average profit is for each sale you make. For instance, if you have sold 50, variously-priced products over the last two weeks, and the total profit from these 50 products was $500, you would say that your average profit per sale was $10.

2. How much are you willing to spend per sale?

If you have determined that you average about $10 per sale, it is unlikely that you will want to spend $8 in advertising for each of these sales! By knowing how much profit you generate on a per-sale basis, you will be able to say how much you are willing to spend in order to make each sale. For instance, if you make $10 per sale, you might decide that $3 is a price you feel comfortable spending for each sale.

3. What is your conversion rate?

Your conversion rate is the percentage of sales you make per number of clicks your ad receives. Of course, in order to determine your conversion rate, you will have to run the ad campaign for a week or two and assess the results. The best way to do this is to run the ad with a moderate price per click bid - one that will not cost you too much money, but that will give you a fair amount of information with which you can work. After a couple weeks have passed, determine what your conversion rate is. For instance: If your ad has received 250 clicks, and you have made 50 sales as a direct result of these 250 clicks, your conversion rate would be 20 percent.

Following the course laid out by the above examples, we are looking at a situation where our three pieces of information are as follows:

Profit per sale: $10

Willing to spend per sale: $3

Conversion rate: 20%

In order to determine how much you should bid per click, you need simply to multiply the last two numbers.

$3 x 20% = $0.60

Sixty cents per click would be your bid per click. And from there, you can determine how many sales you feel you can handle per day (realizing that every $3 in clicks equals, on average, one sale), which will enable you to determine how much you should budget per day on the ad campaign as a whole.

Soon, you will have a successful PPC campaign up and running, and will be reaping all the benefits that come as a result.

The Best Budgets for PPC

Setting a budget for your PPC campaign will be one of the biggest determining factors in the campaign's success; after all, the last thing you want to do is spend far more money than you need to on each ad, as this will leave you with very little profit to show for your efforts, but if you spend too little on each ad, this could put you in a position where you gain nothing from the ad campaign at all! As you conduct research in an effort to understand the best budgets for PPC, you will come across a lot of specific advice intended for a general audience, but the first thing you need to realize about PPC budgets is that you will need to determine what the right budget is for you!

The first factor you will need to look at, in order to determine what the right budget is for you, is how much money you typically make off of each click on your ad. If you are converting twenty percent of your clicks, but the product you are selling only nets you a $5 profit, you will only be breaking even if you pay $1 per click. On the other hand, if you only convert about five percent of your clicks, but the product you are selling nets you a $50 profit, you could spend $2 per click and still make a tidy profit. Understand what your conversion rate and your profit-per-click are, and use this information to help you set your budget.

Furthermore, you are likely to gather advice that tells you that once you have determined a PPC bid that brings a profit your way, you will be ready to inundate the Internet with your ad. Realize, however, that there is a limit to how many orders you can fulfill in a month, or how much of a product you have in stock, or - if you provide a service - how much time you have to provide this service, which means that you will put yourself in poor shape if your monthly PPC budget is too large! After you have determined your conversion rate and your PPC bid, figure out how many sales you feel comfortable handling in a month - and limit your PPC budget accordingly.

While plenty of people will try to offer you concrete advice on what "the right PPC budget" is, realize that in the end, "the right PPC budget" is whatever you determine to be the right PPC budget for you!

How to Make PPC Pay

As you begin to explore possibilities for advertising for your business, you will see the letters "PPC" popping up in various places. Most of the time, these letters will show up in such discussions as "the best ways to make PPC work for you," but before you can dive into an in-depth exploration such as this, you will first need to understand exactly what PPC is.

"PPC" stands for "Pay Per Click," and it is one of the most prevalent (and cost-efficient!) forms of advertising in use today. Furthermore, when you understand how to use PPC correctly, it will be one of the most successful forms of advertising you can possibly tap into.

Essentially, when you use PPC ads, you will place an ad on a particular website, but will only pay for that ad when someone clicks on it (hence the term, "Pay Per Click"). Because you are paying only for clicks - rather than paying for views - you will be narrowing down your ad budget in such a way that you only spend money when someone is actually interested in the product or service you are advertising!

In order to optimize the success you experience with a PPC campaign, there are three specific things you will need to keep in mind.

1. Know your target market.

You will typically be able to customize, to a great degree, the sorts of people for whom your PPC ads show up. For instance, if you are wanting to advertise for a video game on facebook, you can set up a PPC campaign that targets males between the ages of 16 and 30 who have specific video games listed in their profile! On the other hand, if you are running a website on which you make money as an affiliate for a purse company, you can tailor your PPC ad so that it targets females between the ages of 20 and 40 who have an interest in fashion! When you know your target market, you will be able to ensure that your ad shows up for those who will be interested in your product.

2. Target buyers.

A lot of people successfully tailor their PPC ad so that it is seen by those within their target market, but they fail to construct the ad in such a way that they are specifically targeting buyers. Realize that some people are likely to click on the link (which will incur a cost on your end) only to find out more information - with no intention of actually buying! And when this happens, you will essentially be spending money and receiving zero return. Rather than being vague and "catchy" with your ad - trying to boost the number of clicks you get - make it perfectly clear in the ad what you are selling; this will ensure that people are more likely to click on your ad only if they have serious interest.

3. Monitor closely.

Most sites on which you can set up a PPC campaign also provide you with plenty of tools with which you can track the success of your campaign. Pay close attention to how many clicks your ad receives, compared to the number of views it receives - and also pay attention to the correlation between clicks and sales. Be willing to fiddle with the ad as you gather more information, until you reach a place where you feel certain that you are maximizing your success.

How to Make Money with FREE Blogs

One of the biggest mysteries a lot of people face is, "How do I make money online?" The short answer to this question is:

It's actually quite easy - as long as you know what you're doing!

But of course, if you do not know what you are doing, it can also be quite difficult - and it can lose you money in the long run.

One of the first things you need to realize about making money online is that you do not need to invest any money in order to make this happen. And while there are certainly blogs you can pay for that will aid you in quest to make money, there are also plenty of free blogs you can run in order to bring in some extra cash!

Here are the three steps you will want to follow in order to make money with free blogs:

1. Find a free blogging platform that works for you: A lot of people labor under the assumption that it would be impossible for them to run a blog without help, as they "know nothing about designing or running websites" - but the truth is, you do not need to know anything about designing or running websites if you find a free blogging platform that works for you! WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger are three

Customize as much as you want, and add the content yourself - realizing that the content is more important, and more valuable, than the way things look, as it is the content that will help you to have a higher profile in search engines

Know how to make money off the blog; after all, if you do not know how to make money on the blog, you would not be able to make money whether you were paying for the blog or having a blog for free!

How to Secure a Regular Guest Blogging Spot

If you are running a number of websites of your own (or even if you are just running one website of your own) - regardless of whether this website is in place in order to promote your business or in order to make you money directly - one of the best ways to increase your success is by guest blogging on someone else's site. After all, when you guest blog, you will be able to link back to your own site (or sites) - which will both increase your search engine ranking and introduce you to new readers who might not otherwise have come across you. But while the benefits of guest blogging are quite clear, one thing that is not quite as clear is what you should do in order to secure a regular guest blogging spot.

Of course, there are plenty of tips and tricks available for securing guest blogging spots (some of which are more unusual than others!), but here are three steps anyone can take in order to secure an opportunity to regularly guest blog on someone else's site.

1. Build your website: If you run a website that no one visits, and that no one comments on, you will have a much harder time securing a guest blogging opportunity on someone else's site. After all, one of the benefits for the person hosting you will be the fact that you will be sending new readers their way - and if you have no readers yourself, you will not exactly be able to do this! Before you begin focusing on securing guest blogging opportunities, you should first focus on building your own website so that it is packed with quality content and has a sizable readership of its own!

2. Ask others to write guest blogs on your site: Once you have built your website to a point where it is an appealing place for guest bloggers to write, you will have no problem getting people to guest blog on your site - and when you approach them, asking them to contribute a guest blog, you can also express your willingness to write a guest blog in exchange. It will be rare indeed that someone will concede to write a guest blog for you, but will reject your offer to write a guest blog for them, which means you can use this approach to secure a few regular guest bloggers for your sites, and to secure a few regular guest blogging opportunities for yourself.

3. Approach big sites: Approach sites that have a large online following, providing them with a guest blog that is already written. If you approach big websites with an offer to write a guest blog for them, they will likely decline, but if you send them a relevant and useful post that you have already written, they are far more likely to accept. Not only will this drive a lot more traffic to your site, but it will also open the door to regular guest blogging opportunities - either with this larger website, or with others who have read and enjoyed the guest post you contributed to this larger website.

It is rare that you will be able to secure regular guest blogging opportunities immediately and effortlessly, but by taking these steps, you will soon reach that place where you are regularly guest blogging on others' sites, and where this is constantly boosting the traffic that comes your way!

The Benefits of Guest Blogging

You may have visited blogs before and noticed times when a post has been posted by a "guest blogger," instead of by the person who typically runs the site - and if you have noticed this before, you may have wondered why the person who runs the blog chose to employ a guest blogger.

If you run a blog of your own, it will be highly beneficial for you to understand the value of guest blogging - as this will enable you to take advantage of the benefits of guest blogging yourself!

Getting people to guest blog for you:

One way to enjoy the benefits of guest blogging is to employ others to write guest blogs on your site. Some people choose to stay away from guest bloggers on their site - either because they feel that they should be responsible for all content on their site, or because they simply do not want to take the time to find someone who is willing to write a guest blog for them - but securing a guest blogger is well worth the risk of them authoring content on your site, and is certainly well worth the effort it takes to find someone willing to guest blog (especially since most people you approach will be thrilled by the opportunity to write a guest post!). The first benefit of securing a guest blogger is that they are likely to spread the link - on Twitter, on facebook, on their own blog, and on their website - after their contribution has been posted, and in so doing, they will bring a lot of new readers to your site. And in addition to bringing readers to your site who might never have come your way otherwise, all these links your guest blogger posts will also help to bump you up higher in search engine rankings - which, in the long run, will further increase the amount of Internet traffic that comes your way!

Posting a guest blog on others' sites:

And of course, there are great rewards you can reap from posting a guest blog on others' sites as well. Not only will you be able to link back to your own site (which, again, will boost your search engine rankings), but you will also be able to reach scores of new readers. After all, it is unlikely that the regular readers on your website and the regular readers on the website on which you are guest blogging overlap completely - which means there will be plenty of readers on this new site who would never have heard of you, and would never have visited your blog, if not for your guest post!

Once you realize how beneficial it is to host guest bloggers on your site, and to post guest blogs on others' sites, you will certainly be willing to take the jump and begin looking for guest bloggers, and for guest blogging opportunities of your own!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Turnkey Blogging Platforms

One of the biggest questions people face when they are wanting to run a website of their own is, "How do I get started?" And the problem with this question is that there are various answers - and the river on which these answers run is fed by even more tributaries, based on what you are using your blog for (whether you want it for your business, for affiliate marketing, for personal use, or for any number of other things!). Of course, some people choose to get their hands dirty by designing a website on their own, while others pay someone else thousands of dollars to do the work for them. But if you are not wanting to tackle such a big project yourself, and if you are not wanting to spend so much money for someone else to do the work for you, one option to keep in mind is "turnkey blogging platforms."

A turnkey blog is one in which the complete website is already designed, and is available for your immediate use.

When it comes to turnkey blogging, there are a few options that stand above the rest, as they are easy to use, easy to customize, and easy to grow!

Three turnkey blogging platforms:

WordPress: WordPress is the most popular blogging platform, and it is also the most highly customizable. When you use a WordPress blogging template, you will have a full-fledged content management system at your fingertips, and will enjoy access to enormous community support.

Blogger: Blogger is run by Google, and is everything you would expect from a blogging platform run by the most innovative company in the world. With Blogger, you will be able to easily connect with other bloggers from across the world, while adding content and adjusting the look of your site without any hassle.

Tumblr: Tumblr is more akin to such sites as facebook and Twitter than to classic blogs, but as such, it opens the door for businesses to target a great number of 18-34-year-olds who access Tumblr daily. Tumblr has an easy-to-use interface, and is customizable while maintaining a minimalistic appeal.

The Benefits of Blogging

A lot of people spend plenty of time perusing blogs throughout the course of a regular day - reading up on different topics of interest to them, and often, even ending up on random sites (perhaps even sites of no interest to them!) through the sites they were on - but while plenty of people enjoy reading blogs, far fewer people realize how beneficial keeping a blog of their own can be.

For business:

If you run a business, you probably have a website that your customers can visit in order to gain more information about you, or to collect news about your company. But while a basic website is great for your current customers, a blog is a much more beneficial way to draw new customers to your business! When you post regularly on a blog, you will continually boost your website's search engine rankings, as regular posts will give you more opportunities to use keywords, will provide you with more backlinks from your readers, and will provide more content for search engines to pay attention to. The reason so many people fail to keep a blog is that they think of a blog as being nothing more than an extra way to interact with current customers - but actually, the primary benefit of a blog for your business is that it will increase the number of new customers who come your way!

For affiliate marketing:

If you are running a website through which you are attempting to make money with affiliate marketing (or even through which you are attempting to make money with PPC ads), you surely understand that you will have greater success if you have a greater number of new readers coming your way. But what you must also realize is that a regular blog is one of the best ways to regularly keep new readers coming your way. When you run this blog, you will - firstly - be constantly increasing your search engine ranking, and will - secondly - be giving readers a reason to bookmark your page and visit it on a regular basis. The more often people visit your page, the more likely they are to purchase the items you are an affiliate for, or to click on the ads for which you are receiving money!

For personal use:
Even running a personal blog can provide you with plenty of nascent benefits. As you blog frequently, you will increase your blog following, and will also increase your online presence. And the more success you have in doing these two things, the more likely you are to be hired for any job or project you happen to have a desire to work with!

Don't just think of blogging as a great way to gather the information you are looking to gather on various topics and areas of research; instead, think of blogging as a way to provide information yourself - and as a way to increase your online profile and your eventual income as a result!

SEO - Without All the Geek Speak

What is SEO, anyway?

When you are setting up a website, you will see the term "SEO" all the time, and you may have started wondering what the heck SEO is in the first place! SEO stands for "search engine optimization," and it essentially is the science of setting up a website in such a way that it shows up highly in search engines.

Why is SEO important?

A website can be one of the best tools for your business (in fact, for some people, their website is their business!), but if you fail to understand SEO, your website is unlikely to do you much good. For instance, if you sell metal detectors, you may have a website, but when someone searches "buy metal detectors," you might be back on page 80 of the search - in which case, anyone searching for metal detectors will never stumble across you! If you understand SEO, however, you could get your website on the first few pages when someone searches "buy metal detectors" - which would make it far more likely that people will stumble across your site (which means it is far more likely you will make more money!).

How do I focus on SEO myself?

There are two primary keys to SEO: keywords, and backlinks. Keywords are certain words or combinations of words that you aim to incorporate throughout the content of your website, so that your website will be more likely to show up on search engines when people search those keywords. For example, if someone searches "find a good deal on slippers," and you have incorporated these exact words into the content of your website, you will be more likely to show up near the top of the search! Backlinks, on the other hand, are links that other people have posted, directing readers to your site. Each time someone posts a backlink that takes readers to your site, search engines see this as a "vote of confidence" for your site, which will bump you up in their rankings (the higher-ranked the website that provides this backlink, the more valuable it will be for you!). You can gain backlinks by simply providing quality content on your site and encouraging people to share it, or you can gain backlinks with a backlink builder - which allows you to provide content for other sites while linking back to your own!

How long is it going to take for my search engine ranking to rise?

Sometimes, your search engine ranking will skyrocket all at once (back to the metal detector example: if Chicago O'Hare purchased metal detectors from you and linked to you on their site, you would see a quick jump in your search engine ranking!), but more often than not, you will need a bit of patience. Continue incorporating keywords and drumming up backlinks - and continue monitoring your search engine ranking - and you will soon find that you are climbing higher and higher. And of course, the higher you climb in search engine rankings, the more successful your site will be!

Optimizing your SEO is incredibly valuable to your business site.

Creating Backlinks that Pay

When you Google a few words, click on one of the first results, and end up on a website, you may not realize how much has gone into this process before you ever showed up!

In order for that website to have arrived on the front page of that particular Google search, the people running the website needed to understand "search engine optimization" (either that, or they needed to get really lucky!). And one of the biggest components of search engine optimization is backlinks.

As you peruse this person's page, you will notice that they have links on their site that will take you to other, relevant sites across the Internet. But what you will not see at the time is all the other sites across the Internet that have provided links to this page you are on.

When a page provides a link to another page, this is called a "backlink," and this is one of the biggest elements of search engine optimization. Each time a website is referred to through a backlink from another website, search engines see this as a "vote of confidence." And the more highly-ranked the website providing the backlink, the more it will help the search engine ranking of the site being referred to (for instance, if the website of a local restaurant provided a backlink to your website, this would not have nearly as much of an impact as if Pepsi's website provided a backlink to your website!).

There are two ways to create backlinks that pay: the direct way, and the roundabout way.

The Direct Way

Because of the value of backlinks, many websites will pay for backlinks to be incorporated into others' websites. By using a backlink tool - one that places the backlinks within the content you have already provided on your site - you will be able to make money each time someone clicks on one of these backlinks.

The Roundabout Way

And no matter what you are trying to do with your website, you will be more successful if there are backlinbacklink builder, which will allow you to provide content for sites while linking back to your own! When you do this, you will increase the search engine ranking of your primary site, which will bring more people your way, which will, in turn, continue to boost the money you make - both off the backlinks you are providing, and off any other area of focus for which you are using your website!
ks linking back to you. In order to increase the number of backlinks that point to your site, you can use a

How to Bank on Backlinks

How to Bank on Backlinks

When it comes to increasing your profile online, there are two things that are of great importance: keywords and backlinks. The more often you incorporate keywords (particular words or combinations of words) within the content of your website, the more likely you are to show up in searches when someone types those keywords into a search engine. And the more often other sites link to your site (what is called a "backlink"), the more likely search engines are to see value in your site and bump you up in the rankings.

It is actually quite easy to bank on backlinks, once you understand them - but of course, you must understand them!

First off, you should know how to "bank on backlinks" by using them for search engine optimization. There are a few ways to go about doing this, and while the most common way is to simply provide good content on your page and encourage readers to share it, a much quicker way to use backlinks to your advantage is to share the links yourself! As you continue to branch out in what you are doing online, you are likely to find yourself running several websites at once. When you reach this point, turn these websites into a sort of spider web, where they are all interconnected by periodic backlinks to one another. Also, there are plenty of websites (Twitter, facebook, and LinkedIn are just a few examples) that allow you to put a URL into your profile. By simply creating profiles on various platforms all across the Internet - and incorporating your URL into these profiles - you will be able to see a quick boost in your search engine rankings!

And of course, it is also possible to bank on backlinks by providing backlinks yourself. From the perspective of most people, the central focus of the Internet is to drive up traffic on one's own page. The two best ways to do this are A) for others to send new people to your page, and B) for search engines to send new people to your page. Because of the way in which backlinks accomplish both of those goals, there are many websites that will pay people to incorporate backlinks within their own text. T

By simply understanding the basics of backlinks, you will be able to bank on backlinks and continue growing the success you achieve through your online presence!
his is where a backlink tool comes in handy! By using a backlink tool, you will be able to automatically generate backlinks within your text - and in turn, this will automatically generate cash flow for you!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

How Will Backlinks Help You Make Money

As you build your website and look for every advantage you can find in order to maximize its profitability, one concept you are likely to come across quite frequently is backlinks - and in order to understand how backlinks will help you make money, you must first understand what backlinks are!

To put it quite simply, backlinks are any link on one website that takes the person who clicks on that link to a different website.

Backlinks are used in a variety of ways, but the two most important functions of backlinks are 1) The way in which backlinks function with search engine optimization, and 2) The way in which backlinks can make money for the person who posts them.

1. The way in which backlinks function with search engine optimization

When search engines determine where a particular website will show up in a search, one of the big things they look at is how many backlinks point to that site. For instance, if 150 different websites have inserted backlinks that refer to a particular site, the search engine will read this as 150 "votes of confidence" for that particular site - thereby elevating where this site will show up in rankings! Of course, backlinks are typically used to link to external sites that have relevant content, but once you begin expanding your Internet operation - running several sites at once - you can increase the search engine ranking of all these sites by periodically inserting backlinks to the other sites!

2. The way in which backlinks can make money for the person who posts them

By using a backlink tool, you can actually turn certain keywords in the text of your website into backlinks, for which you will be paid when people click on them! In essence, these backlinks function as advertisements. But rather than ads that reside inside of banners, these ads will settle in right there amongst your regular content, making you money every time a reader clicks on one!

Understanding backlinks is one of the best ways to increase the profitability of your website - and once you start using backlinks to boost your search engine ranking and to make money directly, your site will quickly become far more profitable.

Building the Best Possible Niche

When you start a website, one of the the first steps you will need to take in order to maximize your income is finding the niche in which you will operate. Of course, some people assume that targeting a niche in which they feel comfortable writing (and expounding on relevant topics) will be the best way for them to achieve success (after all, writing about something you want to write about will make it easier for you to keep up with the site and provide it with relevant content!), but while "writing about something you feel comfortable writing about" is certainly part of the process for building the best possible niche for you, there is one step you must take before this - and there are two steps you must take after this - in order to build the best possible niche!

The first step will be finding a profitable niche. After all, it is no good to fill a website with content relevant to your niche if this niche you have chosen is completely unprofitable! While there is no exact science to finding a profitable niche (and you may actually be quite surprised to discover which niches can, in fact, be profitable!), there are a few ways to increase your likelihood of finding a profitable niche. Use such tools as eBay, Amazon, and Google to discover which products are in high demand among online consumers, and use this information as a guide to the various niches that are likely to be profitable.

As you use these tools to find potentially profitable niches, you will discover that the list of potentially profitable niches can be extensive! This means that you will need to narrow your search to the particular niche your website will focus on - and this is when you get to determine which niche you will feel comfortable exploring. Keep your eyes open for products and consumer categories you feel A) comfortable writing about in at least an elementary sense, and B) excited about researching further. When you are able to focus on a potentially profitable niche that you enjoy exploring, it will be far more likely that this becomes a profitable niche for you.

It will also be important for you to understand buyer keywords, and the processes a buyer goes through online before they make a purchase. You will, of course, want to target buyer keywords on your site, but you can also maximize your profits by targeting "researchers" with your keywords, and using links within these pages to lead these researchers to new areas of your site. Because of the way in which "researchers" gradually become "buyers" as they collect more information online, you can use various posts on your site - with links embedded in each post - to lead "researchers" through the process yourself, helping them to gradually become buyers through the posts you have posted!

And as you achieve success in one niche, realize that this is not the end of that niche's profitability. For every profitable niche, there are several related niches that can also be profitable. Once you have a site that is up and running (and is achieving success), begin building other sites for related niches. When you do this, you can use the original site to filter people to the related site as well - and you can continue building your network of interrelated sites until you reach a place where you are constantly boosting traffic - and profits - across all your sites!
Webfire offers some tools that can help speed up the process of finding a niche that is right for you.  Macro and Omni Lead tools can help determine what topics are hot and which ones are not.  Then you can begin to pick keyword in which to target by using the keyword tools.  Finally the Article Spinner and Article Submitter tools can help you get unique content containing those targeted keywords out there for your new niche.

How to Discover a Profitable Niche

When you are building a website through which you hope to create a stream of income, one of the most important things will be that you find a niche in which you can operate. Of course, finding a niche you want to focus on is not all that difficult - but finding a niche that is actually profitable can be a whole lot harder!

The first key to finding a profitable niche is discovering something that people are likely to be searching for online, and the second key to finding a profitable niche is choosing a niche that is not so competitive that you will be unable to make any money!

1. Discovering something that people are likely to be searching for online

There are three tools, in particular, that will help you to discover products that are of wide interest to buyers online. The first tool is eBay Pulse. By visiting eBay Pulse, you will be able to see what the most popular searches, the most popular stores, and the most-watched items are on eBay! With this information, you will have a better understanding of what people are shopping for, which will give you a few ideas of niches to target. The second tool is Amazon. By going to "Shop all departments" on Amazon, you will be able to click on the major categories Amazon lists and see what Amazon has featured on the front page of each category. You may be surprised at some of the products you find - and may be even more surprised at how quickly you can make money by building sites that focus on these products! And the Google Keyword Tool is the third tool you should use to find a profitable niche, as you can see what words, terms, and products are being most searched by consumers, which will give you a better idea of where you should focus your efforts yourself.

2. Narrowing your niche so it is not so competitive

After you have found a niche you want to focus on, the last step is simple: narrow down your focus from a general item to a specific product, use buyer keywords to attract buyers to your site, and watch as your income from this site steadily climbs!
Finding a profitable Niche doesn't have to be painful.  Webfire offers some tools that can help speed up the process of finding a niche for you.  Webfire's Q & A Lead Firestorm can help you determine what people are asking about, what is hot and what is not.  The Macro and Omni tools can help you do further research to define your niche.  Then you can begin to form your SEO plan by using the keyword tools to further narrow down your niche to be just right for you, and finally the Site and Market analysis tool to help optimize your SEO plan.

How to Pick the Best Keywords for Your Bandwidth

While most aspects of  keyword optimization focus on increasing the traffic on your website, another aspect worth paying attention to is that you learn to limit the number of people who show up on your website as well. After all, if you have too many "deadweight visitors" on your site (visitors who are not making you any money, and are not finding what they need), this will increase your bandwidth, which could increase your webhosting bill, and will slow down your site for more valuable visitors - causing these valuable visitors to leave, and losing you money!

There are two specific things you will want to do in order to avoid this mistake, and to instead pick the best keywords for your bandwidth.

1. Keep your website in its place!

A lot of people use keywords on their website that do not really pertain to the website at all - thinking that this will increase their web traffic from other areas, and will cause their site to be more successful as a whole. But if you can remember a time when you have Googled something, clicked on a result, and found that it has nothing to do with what you were searching, you will probably realize that the first thing people do when this happens is leave the site. Although this gives the site another traffic hit, this hit is of zero value! Rather than targeting keywords that will bring deadweight visitors your way, focus on valuable visitors in every bit of keyword work you do!

2. Target buyers instead of targeting researchers!

Learn to use buyer keywords in order to target users who will reward you with monetary compensation, rather than targeting users who will use up your bandwidth as they do nothing but research. In this way, you will optimize your bandwidth - making money off the visitors who make their way to your site, rather than frustrating these visitors and getting nothing out of their visit!

How to Find the Best Buyer Keywords

One of the best ways to optimize the monetary success of your website is to not only understand keywords, but to understand buyer keywords as well.

Keywords, of course, are the words or phrases you incorporate into the content on your website in order to help you show up in search engine searches. But many people who are trying to make money with an affiliate site fail to understand buyer keywords, and because of this, they experience high traffic but very few sales.

Buyer keywords work by targeting the keywords "buyers" are likely to use when searching online - rather than targeting the keywords people are likely to use when they are still researching.

For instance, imagine that someone is wanting to purchase a massage chair. They may start out their search wondering whether it is worthwhile to spend their money on a massage chair, in which case they would likely search something such as "benefits of a massage chair." If you have optimized your content to show up in this search, you will probably be able to help the person make a decision to purchase a massage chair, as you give them all the benefits of owning one, but the person is unlik

The person in question may then search "massage chair reviews," or "best massage chairs." After they have perused a few more sites and gathered a bit more information, they will probably narrow their search even further. Perhaps they found that self-heating massage chairs work best, and they will now search "best self-heating massage chairs."

At this point, the person is close to being a buyer - but they are not quite there yet! They will probably discover that "XYZ Self-Heating Massage Chair" is best, in their estimation, and will then search for "best deals on XYZ Self-Heating Massage Chair." At this point, the person is ready to whip out their credit card and buy - and that is when you want them to show up on your website! You can tell them where they will find the best deal, they will click on the affiliate link you provide, and both you and the buyer will be rewarded!

When you are trying to land buyers on your site, here are a few keywords you will want to target:







Low Priced

Low Cost




And of course, including specific brand names and model numbers is a great way to target buyers as well!
ely to be a buyer quite yet - and in spite of all the help you have given them, you will get no monetary reward!
Targeting buyers is a must for any business.  

Choosing the Best Keywords for Your Business

If you have a website for your business, you will get a bit of traffic from your current customers as they visit for information or answers to questions, but while it is great to provide your current customers with access to your company in this manner, there are much more important ways for you to use your website! When you understand how to increase your visibility through keywords and search engine optimization, you will be able to bring new users to your website - which will eventually mean new customers for your business!

The best way to increase the number of new users who make their way to your website is to show up in search engine searches - and one of the best ways to do this is by incorporating keywords in the content of your site!

Keywords are the words or combination of words search engines use to determine how relevant your site is when someone searches for something online; if a search engine determines your site is irrelevant, they may bury you back on page 37 of the search, but if they determine your website is relevant to the search, you will show up right there on the first few pages! Because of this, it is important that you know what the best keywords are for your business, as this will enable you to implement these keywords, show up near the top of searches, and bring new customers your way!

There are three specific steps you should take in order to choose the right keywords for your business.

1. Know what products and services you want to highlight.

If you try to do a "general optimization" of your site - simply using general words and phrases that apply to your business - you are unlikely to make much headway in your quest for search engine optimization. But when you know the specific products and services you want to highlight, you will be able to come up with keywords that pertain directly to these products and services.

2. Figure out what keywords your competitors and contemporaries use.

There are two ways to go about figuring out what keywords your competitors and contemporaries use. The first way to figure out what keywords your competitors and contemporaries use is by using various search engines to search different words and phrases you think might lead you to their sites. For instance, if you are wanting to figure out what keywords other chimney cleaning companies in Chicago are using, consider searching something such as "Best chimney cleaning in Chicago." You should take note of the keywords your competitors and contemporaries are using, as you can use similar keywords yourself; you should pay attention to the ones they are not using, as you will show up even higher in searches when you use these keywords yourself. The second way to figure out what keywords your competitors and contemporaries are using is by visiting their sites! Read through their content, and see which words and phrases you notice they are using often, as this will give you an idea of what words and phrases you can start targeting yourself.

3. Monitor your success.

Once you have begun to incorporate certain keywords into the content on your website, you will want to keep track of where you are showing up in searches. Try to maximize your success in areas where you are doing well - and when you notice keywords that seem to be unproductive, be willing to adjust your approach and look for something new! If you always remain flexible in your quest for search engine optimization, you will find that you are always increasing the success of your website.